2017 Numerical Softwares

  • OS support - All can run on Windows, Linux, Unix, and OS X
  • Libraries = Packages = Extensions = Tools
Cost Notes Symbolic ComputationCall inCall from
RFreePrimarily for statistics, but there are many interfaces to open-source numerical softwareRyacas packageC, Cplus, Python, MatlabPython, Excel
GNU OctaveFreenumerical computing package with lots of extension modules. Syntax mostly compatible with MATLABGiNaC extensionCplusCplus, Java
Matlab99 (student)Numerical computation and simulation with 2D/3D visualizationSymbolic Math ToolboxC, Cplus, JavaJava, Excel
Mathematica145 (student)computer algebra systemYesCplus, Java, RCplus, Java, Matlab, Excel, VB
Maple99 (student)computer algebra systemYesCC, Java, Matlab, Excel, VB
FreematFreemostly compatible with MATLAB.-C, Cplus-
ScilabFreesyntax similar to MATLAB. used for numerical computing in engineering and physics-C, Java, Python-
GaussProprietarysome used in econometricsNo--
SASProprietaryfor statisticsNo--
SPSSProprietaryfor statisticsNo--

1. Matlab

2. GNU Octave

3. Scilab

4. Freemat